Two Female Staff’s Decade-long Journey in CJC Procurement

Explore the inspiring journey of two women in CJC procurement, their challenges, and how they overcame them to succeed.

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Zhou Shuanghong

In the manufacturing realm of gears and machines, Zhou Shuanghong's journey stands out—shifting from the clangorous production line to navigating the waters of procurement. The on-time delivery rate soared to nearly 100% in 2019, showcasing her adaptability and leadership.Her story isn't just about perseverance; it's a testament to the transformative power of dedication and adaptability.

Q1: Where did you start your journey and what motivated your transition to purchasing?

A: Ten years ago, I was just another face on the production line. But in 2013, as the company began to grow, the procurement department found itself in need of additional hands. I noticed that new hires from outside the company didn’t seem to stick around for long. Seeing an opportunity, I decided to step up and put my warehouse experience to use in a new role. I was already familiar with the materials we used, but procurement was a whole new ballgame, heavily reliant on our suppliers. It was a challenging transition, but one that I embraced wholeheartedly. In hindsight, I I'm glad I fought for my career transition and make my successful story more visible to other women who desire to walk out of production line in manufacturing.

Q: How did you handle the challenges of procurement and what do you think of the role of procurement in the supply chain?

A: Resilience, I’ve found, is key. Procurement isn’t like my previous roles; it requires a proactive approach to problem-solving. As a buyer, you need to be aware of costs and potential risks, have strong communication skills, and be able to make decisive decisions when problems arise. In my role as a purchasing director, I’ve learned that having a comprehensive plan and a keen understanding of the market are essential to enhancing a company’s competitiveness. Procurement plays a crucial role in the industry. Timely procurement helps avoid supply interruptions, price fluctuations, and delivery delays. This ensures cost control and strengthens the company’s competitive advantages in the market. It’s a challenging role, but one that I find incredibly rewarding.

Yang Xiuzhi

After transforming from accounting to business, I have to be responsible for the procurement business independently after only one month's study, and I have been improving myself for ten years to become a comprehensive talent in the company's supply chain management.

Q1: Can you describe your daily responsibilities?

Every day, I oversee the entire process from raw material procurement to the shipment of the final product. This involves coordinating various links such as procurement, production, and PMC (production material control) to ensure that our products are completed and delivered to our customers on time and with the highest quality.

Q2: What do you find most challenging about your position?

The biggest challenge in this role is coordinating with various departments. Communication is a skill that must be mastered. I have to take the initiative, develop and learn early, coordinate internally with various departments, and manage time and predict risks with external suppliers and customers. Supply chain management is a multiple person operation, which I also value. CJC allows me to learn from the platforms I value and the people I cherish.”

Q3: How have you grown in your role?

I believe in learning through practice. Constant improvement and updating in practice are the ways to become a comprehensive supply chain management talent. This is also the reason for my success.
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